The gourds intrigued me…

with their smooth, light brown surface which appeared to be ceramic.

Holly Bentz Coia Gourd Artists

“They were covered with mud, manure and hay. But I took them home anyway and threw them in a corner of the studio.”

 About The Artist

Many years ago, Holly Bentz Coia joined a concert choir, where she met people from various backgrounds, including a farmer who, one summer, grew hard-shelled gourds but wasn't sure what to do with them.

He brought them to choir practice and said, “You’re an artist, do something with these!”

She scrubbed and sanded the gourds, revealing their natural beauty, and when she painted them, the pieces were so well received that Holly was hooked from that moment on.


A fine art approach to natural canvas.

Holly Bentz Coia transforms hard-shelled gourds into captivating works of art. Inspired by organic forms and natural textures.

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The Life Of A Gourd

Cards, Books &

Arty Parties!

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